Imagine that you want to create a single-page website for your upcoming project. This webpage is interactive, and viewers enjoy using it. Where will you go for its creation? Here's where the Vue.js Framework comes in handy!
When programmers discuss some of the best Front-end open source Frameworks, they think of Vue.js! Evan You (The creator of Vue.js) and his core team used JavaScript and TypeScript to develop Vue.js in February 2014.
Do you want to hire Vue.js Developers for your next project? Do you need a little help in the hiring process? You shall be careful while hiring Vue.js Developers and aim to pick the best from the lot.
How to find the ideal employees for your company? You can refer to this Vue.js Developers recruitment guide and get insights about hiring employees for your company!
Further, you should check the Top Vue.js Developer's Skills while handing out assignments and taking interviews to analyze the candidates! Let's not wait and move forward with this recruitment guide!
Vue.js Developers recruitment guide: Skills to check while hiring employees for your company!
Here is a list of skills you shall check while hiring Vue.js Developers. You should ensure your candidates have these Technical and Soft Skills for effective recruitment.
Imagine a situation where one candidate lacks technical skills but displays potential and the zeal to learn. In such cases, you shall consider that candidate for the next round and not reject them straight away!
1. HTML and CSS
Do you know the importance of HTML and CSS while creating a website?
Programmers use HTML or Hypertext markup language as the base for creating a webpage! You can structure the document and add content per requirements by using HTML!
On the other hand, Developers require CSS or Cascading Style Sheets to add features to your website. Your webpage looks better and is aligned with CSS!
You can input CSS in your HTML document via in-line or out-line scripting.
Vue.js is a Front-end Framework that assists in making interactive web pages. Hence, one of the Top Vue.js Developer's skills is HTML and CSS!
2. Proficiency in JavaScript
Vue.js allows Developers to use Single File Components (SFC). This feature saves three components of Vue.js in one file. These components are as follows.
- HTML template
- CSS styling
- JavaScript code logic
We learned about the use of HTML and CSS in the above section. JavaScript is another component Vue.js Developers shall understand.
If we refer to the core technologies of WWW(World Wide Web), we align JavaScript with HTML and CSS! This programming language is for Database management, tracking website behavior, getting user responses, etc.
Hence, your programmers should thoroughly understand JavaScript as a part of the Top Vue.js Developer's skills!
3. Git and Github
Imagine a Vue.js Developer created a webpage. The website works smoothly without delays or errors. Further, the team decides to update the website with additional components.
Vue.js Developers make the required changes and rerun the code.
However, the website shows an error! How will the Developers understand their mistakes? What if they want to move back to the previous code and start afresh?
The Git extension allows the Vue.js Developers to record every update. Moreover, programmers can use the 'fork' feature to save and edit any public Girhub program they can later request to 'commit' in the document.
4. Knowledge about Vue
One of the Top Vue.js Developers Skills is the knoweldge of Vue. Imagine a Vue.js Developer not being able to understand Vue!
Therefore, you shall ask the Developers about their understanding of this Framework and check their skills deeply.
Programmers can use Vue to create some portions of any website or one. Moreover, understanding all the necessary tags and elements of every programming language is a must!
How do you check the candidates for their Vue skills as a part of the Vue.js Developers recruitment guide?
You can send assignments and ask for projects from the candidates. Further, you can try asking questions about their submitted project to check thorough understanding.
5. Vue CLI
Developers wish to use the best tools related to Vue to display breathtaking outputs effortlessly. Vue command-line interface (CLI) assists the Developers in connecting with numerous features and provides them with a platform to create seamless results.
Further, Developers can customize their requirements and work in a better way. Is Vue CLI one of the Top Vue.js Developer's Skills? Yes!
Developers who create webpages and websites using Vue CLI do better work with your business's page.
Moreover, Vue CLI uses a plugin-based architecture. Developers can add Plugins anytime in the Software Development Life Cycle to help in Front-end Development.
6. Team Work Skills
An employee has to work with others in their team. Moreover, they communicate with Designers, Developers, QA Testers, Managers, and other company employees.
A candidate shall have appropriate teamwork skills. They should engage in group discussions, understand the basics of workplace communication, conversate with respect, and help each other perform tasks.
Additionally, you may have heard that Team Work promotes strong workplace relationships! If the employees have a good relationship with each other, they can produce better outputs for the project and organization!
7. Problem Solving and decision-making abilities
One of the most important skills in the Vue.js Developers recruitment guide is Problem Solving and decision-making skills!
Imagine that your Vue.js Developers create a website for the customers. They find bugs in the website while testing and wish to correct those.
Your candidates should know how to tackle problems timely and make decisions when necessary. How to check if your candidates have swift decision-making qualities?
You can ask situational questions to Vue.js Developers in the interviews. Moreover, you shall analyze their answers and check how candidates react to the provided options.
8. Communication Skills
An employee should know how to communicate their ideas to the group. They shall engage in effective conversations and be aware of their surroundings.
Moreover, every Vue.js Developer should have adequate presentation skills. They shall talk to their team, ask for their input, conversate about numerous topics, create a healthy discussion environment, and display leadership skills.
Additionally, a good communicator understands the meaning and significance of active listening. Active listening helps the Vue.js Developers concentrate, understand, and interpret each other's ideas to produce better outcomes.
Vue.js Developers shall have other Soft Skills as well. These Non-Technical Skills help enhance Technical work and develop one's personality.
Some of these skills are here in the form of a list.
- Time Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Creativity
- Logical Thinking
- Work Ethics and Attitude toward performing tasks
Interview questions for Vue.js Developers
How to determine if the candidates carry the Top Vue.js Developer's skills? The Interview is one of the most crucial parts of the hiring process.
If you are a recruiter, you should focus on the Interview and allow candidates to show their skills and prove themselves as a valuable asset to the company.
Here is a list of Interview questions you can ask the hiring candidates.
1. Technical Questions
- How did you get into the Vue.js Development field?
- Do you think Vue.js is a competition with Angular with the upcoming technologies?
- Where do you lie on the concepts of Vue.js? Explain anyone.
- What do you understand by mixins in Vue.js? Tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of mixins.
- Which is the best Front-end Framework, according to you? Tell us about the features of this Framework.
- What are slots and scoped slots in Vue.js?
- What do you understand by normal and virtual DOM?
- What is Vue penguin in Vue.js?
- What is the one thing you fear while working with Vue.js as your Front-end Development framework?
- Tell us about the lifecycles and hooks in Vue.js.
2. Soft Skill Questions
- Imagine you are one of the junior managers, and your team member made an error. Your immediate senior asks you about the error and allows you to explain everything. Will you blame your junior? Or will you try to handle the situation yourself and be responsible for your team?
- Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses.
- How are you planning to overcome your weaknesses?
- What are your expectations from the company and your post as a Vue.js Developer?
- Where do you see yourself in a few years?
- Tell us about your experience as a Vue.js Developer.
- An employee should possess what qualities, according to you?
- Do you like working as a Vue.js Developer?
- Give us an example of a situation where you faced hardships in a work environment.
- What is your source of motivation?
Final Words
The hiring process is never easy and might take days, even months!
Companies are careful while recruiting Vue.js Developers and prefer finding the Top Vue.js Developer's skills before taking any step forward.
As a recruiter, you check every skill and examine the candidates thoroughly before hiring. You must follow this process without fail for Part-time, Full-time, and Freelancer employees.
Do you want to know about another way to hire Vue.js Developers? This method from the Vue.js Developers recruitment guide will save you the selection, hiring, and training period. Further, a team of the best Vue.js Developers will be ready for your project!
Outsourcing is one of the best ways to get an excellent working team! This team will work per your instructions and follow your directions to create Front-end websites.
Do you want to Outsource Vue.js Developers? Contact AppsRhino! Our Developers have the required skills and experience in the programming world. Moreover, they are efficient at their job! Connect with us today to know more and start Developing!